Ep: 26 Benefits of Yoga and Entrepreneurship with Melanie DiPaola
Updated: Jul 4, 2024
Calmer Mind Less Stress More Clarity and Focus Less Pain Stronger Body Greater Sense of Self These are just a FEW of the many benefits YOGA. Today I have a conversation with my friend Melanie DiPaola of ZenHouse Yoga Studio about how yoga has impacted her life and the life of her students in such a profound and positive way.
As a Yoga Teacher myself, I have been so grateful for the mindfulness yoga has gifted me as I moved into starting my own business.
Together, Melanie and I share our take on why all entrepreneurs need to have a yoga practice in order to keep their business and selves as well as we can.
Listen Now:
Connect with Melanie DiPaola
Instagram: @melaniedipaola, @zenhouseyoga
Website: www.zenhouseyogastudio.com

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Until Next Week,
You Got This!
Ashley Avis
Content Manager, Creator, Podcaster
#yoga #yogaforbusiness #yogeantrepreneur